Terry’s Picks: Blockchain Technology, The Tale, Barbican Program

Blockchain Technology: The industry is abuzz with excitement – and questions – about Blockchain technology, so NYWIFT is holding a panel this Thursday to discuss its potential power for filmmakers. Member Heidi Philipsen also recently wrote a guest post for Women and Hollywood exploring the technology’s possible impact on indie filmmaking. 

The Tale: We are bursting with pride for NYWIFT President Simone Pero and member Jennifer Fox, the producer and director respectively of The Tale, which premiered on HBO this weekend. Simone and Jennifer sat down for an exclusive interview (with each other!) for the NYWIFT blog, discussing the unique way they brought Jennifer’s painful and deeply personal story to the screen.

Barbican Program: The NYWIFT Women’s Film Preservation Fund (WFPF) is crossing the pond this week to present a program with our partners at the prestigious Barbican Centre in London showcasing 1970s classics of feminist filmmaking.

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